Are they looking okay?

Could the curling up of the leaves be caused by not enough humidity aswell? Cos I can’t get my humidity above 35% and maybe that and the cool air blowing is causing the curl up?

Possibly. Lemme find that VPD chart

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Ok so I think I’m in red so take it that’s bad lol it’s at 25/26c and 40%

Haha ur more then double out of range. Tweak at it my friend

That chart is really helpful. My Gelato is roughly at 25-26 and 40% although it goes up to 55% but i didnt run into that many problems YET. i should start planning lol. Although AC helps a lot

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Still struggling with humidity, might have to try get hold of a humidifier here are some updated pics


@Se7en. I am a first time grower and my plants are 1 week since they popped out the soil. They started curling a little just before I watered for the second time. I am thinking the light was too close. It was about 17 inches. I watered and put the light to about 2 ft hoping this will take care of.
For some reason my pics won’t load!

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Just got myself a little humidifier it’s slowly bringing up the humidity so I’m happy with that, only problem is the temperature got really going above 25/27, but as of that chart if I get the humidity levels to 75% there abouts I should be fine, so hopefully that little humidifier will do the trick :relaxed: (Lights are off just for photos as can see clearer)

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My larger one is glue gelato, 15 days old today today, second tallest is cream mandarine and the Sagittarius one is cosmic bomb, the flu gelato looks like it’s been going great for her age, just slowed down a little and I’m just assuming by the chart the reasons why have been recent humidity, also over the last week I’ve changed cupboards so environment is probably slightly different than when started them, so I’m hoping they adjust now

You may be watering too often also, I heard when they’re young once a week maximum, sometimes even two depending on how quickly the soil dries up, watering is quite tricky to get the hang of, I’m a first timer too and I worry about them soooo much are they thirsty do they need nutes are the lights to close to far away, everything worries me lol, slight drooping or curling I start getting stressed :joy: just want them too go right, I know it’s very likely as a first timers we won’t get them right but I want too more than damn anything :laughing:

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As for the pics, wait until they are 100% uploaded, there’s a little thing when you’re writing/uploading pics it says how much percentage has uploaded, that’s the only thing I can think of buddy, or the picture size is too large maybe

Smallest one not Sagittarius one *** :man_facepalming:t3:

Yeah. I will check the size. It doesn’t even go past the 0%. I will try again. Would love for all to see them and give me some input.

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I just use my iPhone and take photos and upload them Straight from the phone buddy

image image

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Here they are. From the phone was the trick.

Couple of them look a little similar to my problem, are they autos or fems? If autos I think you have to start them in their final container if I’m correct, they don’t like being transplanted, some of my leaves look okay, I mean the colour on them all looks good, some leaves are a bit droopy, I could just be over compensating though and worrying I’ve seen a lot of plants same age as mine on google images that look very similar, it’s just the curling up of some edges and one finger on one leaf on one plant has “taco’d” a bit, just one finger lol I have no idea why, that’s the only things that are bothering me at this stage, send a couple more pics close up they’re quite hard to see

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So I added a proper fan in there and a humidifier, got the humidity and temperature to where it’s green on that chart… I am now a happy beginner :laughing:

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But, with the door open, the gauges drop, with it closed the humidity is at 75% and temp 26C :relaxed:

I wonder why when I upload a picture, you can’t click on it to expand like yours!?

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