Are these autos ok skittles and white widow

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The 2 weeks that you use mkp you are still using Jack’s 321 but in a lower dosage since you are adding the mkp. 2 weeks in flower is enough to help the plant strengthen her roots and stems to hold the weight of the bud. For 2-3 weeks in flower she will be stretching so the extra P-K helps her out.

After the 2 weeks you go back to Jack’s 321 full strength. For the last 2 weeks of flower before harvest you would stop feeding and just water it.

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Awesome just sent u request on ig thanks

Not gonna lie I have so many requests ima delete em all so send me again please. It’s alot of random stuff so I didn’t c no rocky

in the photo you posted with the large top that has the dead or dying sugar leaves. I would carefully open those buds up in the area where the leaf is dying and inspect for any signs of botrytis( webbing). The dead sugar leaves may be a sign something is going on that you cant see inside the moist bud. I would also not allow those leaves to die off all the way into the cola.