Anyone ID this white fuzz? What I should do to lose it…

So I found this stuff on the top layer of soil on a couple of my pots, read that it’s relatively harmless but I scraped it off carefully and binned it far away, anyone help what caused it, how to prevent it?

Pics aren’t great but it’s like a fuzzy white stuff

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If it bugs you, spray some full strength 3% peroxide on the top soil layer.

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Looks like soil mold. Likely from too much moisture in soil. Spray with the peroxide really good for a few days. Let soil dry down to your first knuckle deep. Sprinkle the top of soil with cinnamon afterwards. Repeat cinnamon after watering the “DRY” top soil.

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It’s defo not pests, it looks like it’s white mould sfter I’ve done some reading or mycorrhiza fungi? Where I’ve been using dry amendments with that fungi in it and been told it’s not bad? But I took ot out anyway, if I see more tomorrow I’ll do a peroxide, will peroxide not harm my soil or roots? @Myfriendis410

Over watering

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Peroxide will dissipate before penetrating into the soil layer. Usually as stated above this is usually due to overwatering. Allow medium to dry out between watering unless in coco or peat.

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Okay brother thank you :pray:t2:

People add mycos or other fungi to their living soil on purpose to effectively increase the number of hair roots bringing water and nutrients to their plants.

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Are you running organics if so its more than likely mycelium which is great for the soil and the plants if its soil mold it means the soil is wet to often and dosnt have good drainage my bet tho is sense your using dry amendments your running organics if so its probably just mycelium and has no danger towards you or your plants

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@LiesGrows i did think that, thanks growmie! I scraped it off anyway out of paranoia and it hasn’t returned in any of the pots and they all seem to by drying out fine, so I think I’ll go with that answer too :laughing:

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Are ypu running full organics?

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Yes brother organic soil and organic dry amendments @LiesGrows

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What i figured haha in that case im going to heavily lean towards it being mycelium then and not soil mold this is very normal when there is organic mater present it means you have a healthy soil how big of pots are you in and how are you watering?

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@LiesGrows Them ones are in 7 litre pots the autos, the photos that are in the 7 litre pots are getting transplanted end of the week to 4 gal fabrics :pray:t2:
I water, then wait until the pots are dried out thoroughly and light in weight, try and wait 24 hours so they get a dry spell then water again til I get a bit of runoff

First two are the photoperiods the third is auto


Organics is best to keep the damp at all times your not suppose to allow the soil to dry out when you water you should be watering consistently at 5% to 10% of soil volume so with my 3 gallon pots i water 1 quart and 2 fups wort every other day obviously you dont want to over saturate the soil so sometimes if the plants arent drinking that much depending on stage of life ill wait a day to water

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Here is a link to some good reads about living soil and watering How To Water Plants in Living Soil - Over Water Vs. Under Water Super Soils - BuildASoil

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@LiesGrows awesome thank you bro! Literally been my first couple feeds ever with the dry so it’s all new to me haha I’ll read that now!

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No problem at all i read alot through the build a soil blog alot of amazing information

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Think I’m gunna have to read through that get familiar with some stuff :laughing:

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