And now I found this

Are your plants indoor?

Yes they are

So using other bugs is not an option. Any webbing?

Not that I see yet. May have noticed it early. I’m going to try some Neem oil tomorrow. Seems to be the cluster bomb of sprays

Let me know if it works!

Gonna hit it with Neem oil, Spinosad soap and DE

Be happy you don’t have flowers yet or you would have to be careful with oils

I can’t tell for sure. Pic gets blurry when I try to blow it up.

They look like mites to me

If you feel like you have a prwttt good read, proceed with treatment.

Prwtt? I’m going to treat with Neem oil and spirosad soap.

@Familyman The damage shown in your photos isn’t consistent with aphids or spider mites. Both aphids and mites suck out plant fluids but they don’t eat vegetation (as shown in your first photo). Spider mites also build a very fine webbing which does not appear in your photos. One guideline I’ve heard for mites is “white spots, fine webbing, tiny bugs”. Aphids often cluster under and around new growth (often accompanied with ants) which stunts the plant. Something else is going on here. Good luck.

Ok. Do you feel it’s insect related or could it be from a pH swing which is what I had??

pH fluctuation causes spots/areas between the leaf veins while the veins themselves stay green. Your photos don’t really depict that either. Do you know how much of a swing in pH you had? Do you know what caused the fluctuation? If it is a case of pH fluctuation (still I wonder), your plants can recover when consistent pH is regained (damage to the old leaves won’t recover, new leaves will be fine). I’d still be looking for bugs though…

Ph jumped up 1.3 points. I’m a bone head and made a “batch” of ph’d water not realizing the water returned to its natural ph after setting. There are brown areas between leaves on the other plants. I have since watered with 6.2 water and the browning has halted and almost looks better. I’m using r/o water but I feel like adjusted tap water worked better. Also upgraded my lights from 600 watt blirple to 2 HLG 135’s.

Maybe you figured it out. A 1.3 point rise isn’t necessarily huge but maybe it was enough to shock your plants a bit. Yeah, rule of thumb, as soon after you’ve adjusted the pH of your water/fertilizer apply it to your plants immediately. Left to sit for a while and the pH will change.

I’m a bonehead. Used to making batches of aquarium water to have ready. Lesson learned.