9 week old white widow auto

Under “catalog” choose “LED Lamps” and find model 100 Rspec… I’d link directly to the page but I don’t think we are allowed to link to products on this forum except for Amazon.


You cannot base your grow off of “advertised watts”…package will lead you to think its a 100w bulb! The important thing to keep in mind here is what you logically need to grow Gertie PROPERLY!
With those bulbs you will notice they are only pulling 9watts from source per bulb!!

Now keeping in mind what i said above…35w/sqft for veg…50w/sqft for flower (this is based off your canopy coverage)…Now break down what you have light wise right now and you’ll see why you are not getting results…i understand you have spend alot as we all have but its not about jus spending money but how its spend WISELY…i dont think theres anyone on here that hasnt wasted money but you must chalk that up as knowledge and move on! At least you know now what you didnt b4!

Always remember, alot of wasted money can be avoided by simply asking questions b4 purchasing…lots of awesome people here and we all want to see one another succeed!!!

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90 days- White Widow - Autoflower - Gertie

Banana kush 67 days from seed

Point being if yours is at 90 days, sumthing seriously stunted there or completely organic grow(wud still be bigger than that)
White widow harvested at 10 weeks

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Nice. Yes I have had lots of issues with this plant. That is why I put the picture up to see if there was any chance to save the plant. This is my fifth seed never gotten this far the light was a problem and I have now changed to a totally different grow light that came with my tent. It is an LED grow and flower 1000 W

Grow light now:
Visit the Giixer Store

4.5 out of 5 stars 2,890Reviews

Giixer 1000W LED Grow Light, Dual Switch & Dual Chips Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Hydroponic Indoor Plants Veg and Flower-1000 wattt ( 10W LEDs 100Pcs)

@Geerie Jus my 2 cents but that is a cheap amazon light that will not produce very good results….If your looking for the cheaper side but still decent results than i would look into mars hydro…stay away from amazon garbage lights…

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I wasnt sure about the light. It was given to me and I thought it had to be stronger and better than the original set up I had. :cry:

I don’t think I am equipment ready to grow marijuana. I was under the impression if I had light, right humidity, correct ph, and a seed it would just grow by itself with TLC. I have been so wrong so far. Not sure I can duplicate their normal environment with the equipment I have. Wondering if Gertie will always be just a green plant? She looks healthy to me, but she is not flowering, any suggestion?

I agree, you definetly need more light. Once she has some light she will then start eating more and growing. There won’t be enough food in the happy frog soil to get her through flower though. This forum is a great place to read and learn. Take advantage of the many journals around here by reading through as many as you can.
Once you have enough light to flower her, you’ll need to switch her light schedule to 12 hours on/12 hours off to induce flowering. I’m assuming she’s no auto at 90 days old. Good luck with the grow and new hobby :v::green_heart:


@Geerie To be honest, anything is an improvement from your original lighting choice but what you went to isn’t an ideal option either!(There was a reason that light was “given” to you, no matter the intent). You are in an ideal dilemma EVERYONE starts out with due to lack of knowledge and experience, not to mention most people jump rite in thinking they are going to achieve poster buds with any equipment laying around/cheap and the seed is going to all the work!!!
The great part is, its completely normal and all part of the process. :joy: I did the same thing when i started….

@Geerie As you see, not terrible results but those buds were nothing like what i achieve now with better lights….

@Geerie In conclusion, i say never give up and honestly it doesn’t matter how your growing, ect.
My honest opinion if you want good/solid results:

  1. upgrade to an HLG 100 or qb135( grow 1 plant at a time)
    2)get a set of base nutrient at a bare minimun( fox farm trio, GH flora trio, ect.)
    3)Flip them lights 12/12 and grow gertie out!!!
  2. put the :sunglasses: on and watch the buds grow

(Not saying you cant do that now, but i promise you will not be happy with the results)….best of luck growing and if you ever need advice, never hesitate to ask me or any of the awesome members on here!!! We all have the same common goal, and its neat to see how everyone approaches it!

She is a feminized autoflower

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Gertie is now 3 weeks into flower. I am using all my lights, the ild set up and the new light from Amazon. It is all I could do for now.
She is drinking 1 quart of 6.7 ph water daily.

After watering I top the soil with dry Fox Farm Happy Frog potting soil. These are the only nutes she is receiving.

Temp is 75-78 in the daytime. 70-72 nighttime.

Humidity is running 43-47

I have a small fan blowing on the bottom of her and a larger fan blowing in the top.

She started smelling a little 2 weeks ago, but now she is very strong smelling!

5 days ago she was 4-5 inches from the light, last night she touched the light.

She is now 14 weeks old.

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We have Trichomes week 4 flower. White Widow Auto. 16 weeks from seed.

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