2nd grow need some help from the experts

Hi all I’m new here and full of questions. My husband and I recently got into growing, we are working on our 2nd auto grow and it is completely different than our first grow. We switched from blurple lights to a spider farmer sf4000, from plastic to fabric pots and from straight ffhf soil to a 60/40 soil/coco blend. Our first grow flowered at 6 weeks and we harvested at 10 weeks with cotton ball sized buds and 10% amber trichomes we ended up with 11oz dry weight from 4 plants but we thought we could do better so we made the above changes. This time 3 of our 7 girls flowered at 2 weeks and trichomes at 3 weeks, we are now at 6 weeks and 2 of the 3 have all milky trichomes with an amber here and there and are about 40 inches tall. The buds are about the size now that our last run was when we harvested and I can’t find any grow diaries or anything that shows plants as developed as these at this age. My question is will the buds continue to grow even after the trichomes have started to amber or am I going to be harvesting early and still not having very big colas? We don’t want too much amber because for medical reasons my husband smokes all day long and he still needs to be able to function and not be stuck on the couch. Thanks for reading.

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Do you have any pics? IMHO if they’re flowering and bulking up this early…… you’re LUCKY :sweat_smile: I wish mine would hurry up! :wink:


It’s the 2 in the middle that are starting to amber, a Bruce banner auto and LSD auto


They’re beautiful!

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They definitely look like they got some time left thought, when you say they’re going amber are you looking at the trichs on the actual bud or the sugar leaves?

The buds themselves, I completely ignore the sugar leaves when checking color of trichs.

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Okay, I’d probably wait for all the white hairs to go orange then check them after that? They still look super early to be going amber, you may just have a miracle plant! :grin: but I’m just a beginner so just my two cents


Welcome to the community ! Very nice keep up the good work . I’m with @Se7en You still have several weeks to finish. If you’re not in a hurry plants still have a lot to offer. Let those buds keep fattening up. Also breeder’s guide is just a Estimated time. Good luck :v::+1:


Great looking plants, but even the plant with the bigger buds has weeks to go. You will have some monster buds if you let them mature. Like mentioned, make sure all or most pistils have turned red, and retracted. It’s very hard to over ripen one, but very easy to harvest to early.


8 to 10 weeks for flower is a rule of thumb. The last two weeks the buds fatten up

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Thanks for all the advice, we will keep doing what we are doing and stop worrying so much about the trichomes for right now.

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Make sure you harvest at depending your high . Buzzy all white , buzzy with amber or all amber which is past its prime but each to his own Trichomes that is if you didnt already know.

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This is the LSD now. All of her pistils are brown and curled, she is about 20% amber and all of the buds are dense AF. The close up bud pic is from a few days ago. We have her out of the tent and ready to chop. She’ll be 8 weeks from seed tomorrow and I am still in awe of how quickly she grew.