2nd grow Bruce Banner ILGM

Today was harvest day!

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Could barely fit it all in the picture


Congrats on a job well done! :sunglasses:


Thank you @spankyjr1 update since; I still have not trimmed all the bud. I have been really slow at it. I blame the fact that this plant has so much small buds that I’m just like blehhh! It’s great bud smells amazing but the fact that it’s so sticky and coated with trichomes doesn’t help the trim process now that the buds are small. Here is an example of the buds I’ve trimmed



That’s one of the bigger buds hahaha seriously I still have

These to trim and it’s slow to say the least.


I smoke mine lol. I think you might be surprised at the strength; I know I was. Def rolled, mix some buds in if it’s a little harsh

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@Drewincincy I wet trim the water leaves at harvest leaving the sugar leaves to dry and cure on the buds. When I am ready to smoke it, I trim some of the guardian leaves for cooking. The rest I roll up into the joint. When cured properly they aren’t harsh
Love me some Banner!

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Me too!! Got some Banner in the tent as we speak. This is the most tolerable plant I’ve ever seen. It does not object to anything and just wants to grow. This is the strain that first timers should grow

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Come on Brother, great bud, smells amazing, coated with trichomes are all good problems to have. :laughing: Not sure if you have ever had to trim a failure before but yeah, that really sucks. My buddies hate trimming to, I honestly love it but I’m also that guy who gets up out of a dead sleep to pee and smell all my bud before I fall back to sleep.

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I also leave the sugar leaves on during dry and cure. I sometimes forget about them for long periods since I always have flower now. I have been super interested in cooking with it, just never have

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@Drewincincy Yeah I’m not real fancy when it comes to cooking, I don’t make cannabutter or tinctures. I mainly take a 3 finger pinch heat it in a dry pan until wisps of smoke start to curl and it darkens some. Then put it in my mortar and pistol and grind it up into a powder to cook in spicy dishes like tacos, chili, or spaghetti. We usually go to bed still high.