2022 grow season. Who’s in?

@Lacewing, nice to meet you too. Thanks for the compliments all. I have been reading along your posts on other threads and I like your style. Happy growing and happy spring time.

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@noddykitty1 Geez…so many different genetics going…

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Very nice to meet you too …please tag me in any journal you have going …you have so much experience and explain things really well ,I’m always willing to learn and I can tell I would learn a lot from you !! Thank you !!

@noddykitty1 thanks for the info, it’s sad to seed the tga line go, but at least she is continuing hers

I would love to be tagged also for your grow.

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If I didn’t Bansai clone my keepers; and rodelize S1 lines to bank seed, my collection would be a lot smaller. Or I would need a bigger house. Ha


@noddykitty1 someday I want to grow up to be like you…or maybe not…ahaahahahahahahaha

@noddykitty1 I have ordered my Jilly Bean f2 seeds :100::100::sunglasses: thanks for the info.

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