2021 Virginia Outdoor Grow

is that shorter one an autoflower? Just curious because my photos , like your taller ones, are budding, but only as hard/far along as yours seem to be. I have friends i gave these same blue dreams to though, that did NOTHING to them but put them in good soil and then not touch them and they are THICK like your autoflower (or whatever the shortest one is) and VERY big buds already. Thinking i may make “super soil” again next year outside and leave’em alone too :wink:


Got my order of Captain jacks dead bug today and doused the girls this evening. Inchworms will not get the best of us!

Five weeks to go, I think.


All three are white widow autoflowers. The small one in the middle was beat down by a rain storm and has lagged behind the other 2. The tall one is growing in a pot for pot.


Storm blew a tree limb onto my big girl. Damage was limited to one of the middle branches. broke off about 6 inches of bud. Did a wet trim and I have my first bud(s) hanging. Could have been much worse.


That’s good news.

The branch that broke on one of mine yesterday is looking okay, so maybe my attempt to save it will work.

Hope everyone else got through the storms ok.

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Day 70. The autoflowers are still chugging along. I’m guessing 3 weeks to go. Big girl has been harvested. No scales but I am guessing I got 8-9 ounces. Looks (and tastes) really good.


Day 75. Hoping the weather holds out. Removed two small spots of bud rot. Had to clip the bud on one of them. Air dried the good part for two days then dried one small piece with a bic lighter :ok_hand:.


2022 grow. Did a lot more things right this time but still managed to screw things up (again). Main problem is I started to soon. Sprouted my seeds in early March and then transplanted into red solo cups. Because of my early start they outgrew the cups well before they could go outside. I had to lean the plants against the window screen in my garage to keep them from falling over.
Transplanted to 10 gallon bags in the middle of April. Using a 90/10 mixture of Ocean Forest and worm castings as my soil.
Despite my best efforts to kill them the girls are looking pretty good. I planted 3 white widow autoflowers and 1 feminized Gold Leaf.


Thank you for sharing this experience. Giving it a go with WW this season. Will be interesting to see if any of the neighbors notice but I’m tucked back enough. Legal anyways, more concerned about the curious

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