2018 Autumn Autos-dropped 8/27

Oh, licking the bowl is the best high!


I probably licked about a 1/2 serving’s worth, so this should be a good test run.

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They weren’t kidding about Pineapple Crack. That’s zippy!

Hold on…I think the bowl lickings just kicked in.


Edit: you can really taste the Cherry Malawi (I think that’s one of the strains). Kind of kirsh vasser-y.

Edit #2:


Those look beautiful and delicious.

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Glad you think so! :grinning:. Did you see how dark the butter was? I thought it was chlorophyll, but the chocolate tastes like weed, not green, know what I mean?

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That picture looks like it belongs in a cook book.

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Won’t lie, it took a minute or 2 to find the right angle. :grin:


Well, you got the right angle then. It looks gorgeous and you picked the perfect plate for it.

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Why, thank you!

Also, I just broke my bong.

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Oh no! Surely, it’s not your only bong.

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My only real bong. I have a homemade gravity bong (lol!), but that’s it.

My room smells like 3 day old bong water.

Also, I “fixed” it!

Epoxy already hardened. In 2 days, I’ll sand it down a little bit & make it look purty.


You are very handy. I just throw broken bongs away.


It was an easy fix, so might as well fix it. The stem on the bong snapped off, as well as a bit of the bong. The pipe stem didn’t break! So, a little putty later, I’ve got my bong, battle scars and all.

Testing it now. Wanna join me?


I’m in…

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Blue Dream loaded.

I’m back to joints.

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It works perfect!

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You should paint it, or put little sculptures on it.

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I wish I had some hemp wraps, myself. I love relaxing with one. No lighter. No water-filled glass vessel.

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