1 out of 4 plants is not doing well

Hello,Three weeks ago the people of this forum helped me with nute burn. Now I have a new problem. I went on vacation for two weeks and had someone water my 4 plants. One of them is not doing well at all. I prepared water ahead, The PH was 6.5. I added 1/2 of the recommended Dyna-Gro Bloom. Two of the pictures are of the diseased plant. The other two are what the other 3 look like. The temps have been between 60 at night and 85 during the light hours. They are in their 4th week of flowering at 12/12.

Thank You,

If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

ILGM Support Ticket:

What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)?

Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container?
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)?

Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? System type?

pH? Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off) and of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant?

Type and strength of nutrients used? NPK? EC/TDS/PPM levels? Of what you feed it as well as what is in the water by itself and in the soil/medium (run-off), or reservoir.

Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps?

Humidity %? Day vs. night

Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR?

Ventilation system? Size? CFM? CO2? AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?

Number “weeks/days” from into Season, Vegetative Growth or Bloom/flowering?



Magnesium deficiency, dose it with 1 tablespoon epsom salts per gallon of water.
Magnesium gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 2.0-6.4
Magnesium is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 6.5-9.1 . (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph of over 7.0 in soil) anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Magnesium deficiency.


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Majik posted this in past…who ever watered it while you where gone messed up anything ?

Any idea what could be causing those?

Strain: Budzilla feminized
Indoor grow
3x3’ area
Soilless grow, half perlite half peat moss/coco
I use fox farm nutrients, and did half the recommended amount, I give nutes once a week, roughly every other water, sometimes less.
pH is under 7
No CO2 or carbon filters, just fans that add circulating air.
Temps: 64-68 F - 64 at night, 68 all day
Humidity: 45%-70%
18/6 light schedule
T5 fixtures (for veg only)
Not many watts for lumens, but this is a first for any vegging plants.

And i agree with Will, looks like magnesium deficiency that chart will explain excess and deficiency side of things, and here’s another cart to help show what nutrients in excess cause the nutrient lock and should help get you on track to fix it, And A Nutrient Lock Out Could Be The Problem, temps during day should come up as well as night . Temperature at day should be 75-85f and night time 68-72f

And id say flush and try to reapply the nutrients a week later no early to make sure it’s flushed…reason for flushing is to wash excess salts out from left over nutrients plant isn’t using…then start her off with half of what your using


Thanks @majiktoker that helps me a lot, I’ll flush it immediately and keep you updated

Sound good buddy, look forward to seeing if it helps ya buddy I did the same with my trainwreck and she’s finally getting back on track :smile:

This is magnesium deficiency and can be taken care of if done as I had explaind above earlier. Case in point here is a pic’s from My Guide On Sick Plants.
See any similar efects


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He should do the Epson first should start to clear up in 3 to 5 days if he is only 4 weeks in flower.


True didn’t think at the moment lol

All good brother. And back atvthetreaf leave your email and I’ll send you My Guide On Sick Plants



Yea sounds good to me buddy sorry keep forgetting to do that I’ll do it asap

Wow… very nice walk through and help I love this place…

Well we all hope that you join us. And welcome to


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What is the strain and type(unknown bag seed, strain name, regular seeds, feminized seeds, auto-flower, etc)? White Widow fem

Indoor or Outdoor? If outdoor, planted in ground or in a container? Indoor
Size of space (max height and area, length/width)? 2 X 4, 6 feet high

Soil or Hydro? Type of Medium used? System type? Soil, Promix with 20% Perlite

pH? Of the soil or medium (root zone/reservoir/run-off) and of the water and/or nutrient mix that is fed to the plant? 6.5

Type and strength of nutrients used? NPK? EC/TDS/PPM levels? Of what you feed it as well as what is in the water by itself and in the soil/medium (run-off), or reservoir.Dyna Gro Bloom

Temperature? Day vs. night temp or highest and lowest temps? Root zone temps? 60 to 85

Humidity %? Day vs. night 20 to 35

Light system/watts/lumens/FLUX/PAR? 400W HPS

Ventilation system? Size? CFM? CO2? AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier? none

Number “weeks/days” from into Season, Vegetative Growth or Bloom/flowering? 3 weeks veg. 3 weeks 6 days into veg

I watered yesterday with Epsom Salts as Will suggested

Thank You

Your welcome and safe to say 4 weeks in veg lol

I made another mistake.

3 weeks veg, 3 weeks 6 days into flowering (4 weeks)

Lol it happens buddy, what happened this time