Veteran's Corner

btw, the va has some real dinks working for them. Not all of them. Most are good folks. But some of them are dinks. The good news is even if they turn you down they will give you all the reasons why they turned you down making the appeal that much easier.

Now with that said, lets stay positive and wait to see what they have to say. The findings still go to a final panel for review before a decision is made, I believe?

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I’m going to call @ 7:30 my time ok


Got my phone on hand

Just wanted to see what is your favorite cannabis for PTSD, Pain, Depression and Anxiety. I have used a lot of different ones and have found many that are effective. Haven’t really found anything that seems to help my PTSD (actually all help a little ) but was wondering what everyone else uses. Jerry

Blue dream, purple trainwreck, white rhino, just to name a few of my favorites

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I’m with you brother. I have 4 appointments in April for eye surgery. They know I smoke for my depression and help with coping with night mares. I may or may not have smoked weed if I had not went to Nam. Most of us were just boy’s that they wanted to turn into men fast. I know I did. RDG(Chromie)1951.


If you ever need anythin just holler at me. You are all my brothers and sisters in arms and will always be family


Good Morning vets!

Reading an interesting article in the American legion Magazine this morning and thought I’d share!

We should do that with MJ…lol MJ strictly for veterans!


I read a bill.on federal level, that was basically medical mj for vets, but I’m not sure where I read it or when if ever if was gonna be put to vote. That would be awesome. You would think that if anyone deserved mmj it would be the vets


absolutely! At least the current president acknowledges the veterans. Step in the right direction. Action louder than words though!

How’d it go last night?

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Yeah, he says he is gonna take better care of us and I am willing to see what he is gonna do. You know? He’s all for medical, just not so.much for the rec. If I only see medical in my life I will count that as a huge victory in my book.
I slept a lot more than usuall. I was asleep by 11 and usually I’m awake at 1 or 2 in the mornin

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well thats pretty good improvement i’d say for getting to sleep by 11.

We have all hears the presidents of the past talk. I’m a believer in action. Give the troops some pay raises and lets start replacing some of the older equipment!

I’m not sure what they will do for veterans. I think reforming the way the VA handles claims should be a priority! As I said earlier, the VA system around Boston is really good. they should make it the national model.


Yes true, definitely need to get the claims stuff squared away. People.juat need to give him some dagum time. Rome wasn’t built in a day and a lot of people in this country need to realize that. I’m not talking about you Bob, just other Americans, you know

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Thats awesome @Hawkeye_diesel, im really glad you got some good sleep in

I’m out of likes for a while but thank you @deb1. I am glad I did too haha


Thought I was in heaven last night. Did a gram of White Widow and slept like a baby all night. Woke up in the morning and actually felt pretty good ! Going for two nights in a row tonight ! ! Really glad I can get away with a small amount for relief. That is why I do not smoke much at a time. Want to keep this “light weight” use as long as possible !

Ya’ll have a great night’s sleep. I have to get some sleep, gotta watch my 3 year old grandson 6:30 AM to 7 PM tomorrow.


Good deal brother, have you looked at the thread about my new cbd vape an the cbd oral drops? The helped with my pain and helped me get some sleep. Glad you got some medicine brother


Didn’t see it. Where is it?

If the link doesn’t work, it’s “giving CBD oil a try”

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I fell asleep last night with my phone in my hand replying to Hawkeye lol