SCOTTS BRAND bought out Dutch Masters?!?

My parents both grew up in small town rural America during the Great Depression. I grew up eating vegetables we grew in our garden and beef we raised on our 500 acre farm. It wasn’t until I left home for the first time for college that I truly realized that MOST people don’t have hamburger 3x a week and steak every Sunday!

Kinda funny, I was driving some back country roads yesterday and discovered a couple of “hidden” grows out in plain sight! But it wasn’t pot, it was sweet corn! I’ve done this too. You can put heavily farmed land in “PIK” programs (Payment In Kind – great name, huh?!), which is basically the government paying you to NOT grow crops! And since we rent our land (the business model has changed from family farms to landowners renting their pasture and crop fields to full time high-tech farm equipment owners), we make about the same amount renting it to crop growers as we do for doing nothing with it! So, around here, “illegal grows” are people planting 1-2 acre sweet corn and tomato gardens on their PIK land! :wink:


Well yeah @Oak this the best grow forum globally , that stanly dank !!!

@FloridaSon … good luck in your search for truth, you’re doing well my friend ! :slight_smile:

This is for you !

…may God bless

P.s. a thing is true or it’s not

Consider water and focus on it if you will, it either curves or it doesn’t ?


Wow! I just don’t have a strong enough faith to dispute everything I think I know, to search for all the answers in the Bible. I believe a good deal of what I’ve read. But I feel it more of a guide, than an absolute manual containing all knowledge that exists.


Some say faith is like a seed ? …

…this is not a " religious " topic, I simply found that article concise and believe it’s relevant to topic

Flat Earth was once held as a belief by almost every civilization at some point

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What do you mean by “curve”?

If a drop of water is placed on a slide, it will curve with the slide.

Is a sphere “curved”?

I have to concede to your point on my wording about the calendar. It was just part of the list.

Whether you care or not isn’t the point. The point is if I get lied to at every turn, I’m going to stop trusting anything I am told. The main reason lying made the top ten list.:wink:

The Mandela Effect is one of the reasons I chimed in. This is the first I’ve heard of it. I’m also going to have to check out the Cave book. I’m familiar with the principal, just not the story.

I will have to respectfully disagree with perception is reality. I don’t perceive what is behind me. Doesn’t mean nothing is there. Perception can tell me that someone loves me very much. How many of us have found that to be the opposite of reality?

Lying to myself will not change what is true.

I’m not trying to convince anyone about anything except this…when nothing you see is making sense, rethink. The bottom of something disappearing over the horizon does not mean the world is curved. I can bring the whole ship back into full view with a telescope.

My bad @ktreez420. I put more in this response than intended. The calendar issue was why the reply was to you.

And yes everyone, I smoke very good quality. My palette makes it hard to smoke cheap. Another reason I grow.

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Thank you. That provided some of the references I was hoping you could provide.

I also believe Pi is science looking for the key to creation. Who knows, it may go deeper than that. I can only see through dark glass. :wink:

If you can drive down our highways and roads, expecting to get where you are going, then you have enough faith to believe you have a Father that your physical senses can not perceive that loves you more than you could ever dream.

Any good parent knows there is nothing that could change the love they have for their children. You may not want to be around them until they get their head out of their ass, but you love them and hope for them to think.

Him too, but much more.

I’m not here to preach. That’s someone else’s job. You do have enough faith though.


No I agree with you @FloridaSon about tons of these lies.

But again, the term perception doesn’t mean creation. You don’t create your world, you perceive it from your point of view. You don’t really perceive love either, it’s more like faith. You believe in it. Many things you believe in are false, and will let you down, like someone else’s feelings. Meaning love lol.

I just don’t think I’ll ever believe the world is flat. Not to say I’m closed minded, I just would like some elaboration into the topic.

I love to learn, and I ask tons of questions lol so all of this is great for me!

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I know @FloridaSon is right about us being fed lies. I learned this many years ago from my own questioning of things I was told as truth, that didn’t make sense, and digging deeper to find how many versions of a story really are taught about a subject. I’m sure I’m wrong to an extent, but sure I’m dead on to a certain extent as well. Most of us, have an inherent ability to look at information fed to us, and given a certain amount of basic knowledge on the subject, come to an immediate conclusion to whether it “makes sense”. I believe this is what fuels research and learning, the quest to make sense of our world. At the same token, some people are quick to follow a strong voice that promises answers to the questions, without getting your hands dirty, or having the means, to investigate properly. I’m sure nobody alive can answer the questions we have about our reality. But I’m positive we aren’t being taught the answers, and feel confident they aren’t in a book sitting in nearly every home. Best we can do, is look at all the information we find, compile and compare it all, and light a joint from the fire while it all burns. Life’s to short to get carried away with it all. Just enjoy life, and don’t think too hard.


water conforms to the shape of its containers…and will indeed curve when held down by gravity…

the average horizon on earth is 12 miles…it does go higher in some areas…

out on the ocean, with high powered viewing devices,… you can see another ship at 13 or 14 miles range… but not all of it…often half the ship or more appears to be under water… this is called being “below the horizon”…as the ship moves closer to you, more of said ship is revealed…as it raises “above the horizon”…I have seen this phenomenon dozens of times and it conclusively proves the earth to be round to any logical mind…as stronger optics do not provide a view of “more” of the ship…only a more detailed view of that which is visible.


That’s very informative to those whom haven’t spent much time at sea. Thanks! I’ve also heard from a couple of navy buddies. That when condition are just right. You can see reflections of objects beyond the horizon, that will show up at a different spot when you move close enough to “peek” over the curvature of the planet.

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I understand your opinion and no disrespect but I believe it’s simple to show that it’s all incorrect

Anybody can offer an opinion, I have mine, I read yours, thank you for your input.

I’m not here to prove or disprove this, I probably care less than most, I just thought it was interesting, people can & perhaps should look it up for themself and they can also find which one of us is correct if they’re interested

I live on the beach, when it looks like a large Freighters or cruise ships is, as you say “below the Horizon” they are not

… simply take a pair of binoculars and you can see them just fine, it’s called vanishing point (simple enough to prove or disprove)

Or you can use a laser (and that’s why the cat’s out of the bag regarding Flat Earth & it’s not going back in)

Water has never curved and it never will

All the water in the world will not curve one centimeter, it will always find its own level, flat

Anyway that’s getting tired, make your own decisions but don’t just parrot what you’ve been told, I was fed that same crap too, those lies are over for a lot of us and they’ll be over for all of us before long

Anyway, I found this interesting…

Why can’t you see a ship 200 miles out at sea? We have the optic tech to see much further.


Why can’t we monitor all shipping and aircraft from a single location if everything is flat?


If the water won’t bend, what’s blocking our view

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And not to dwell on this but it’s exactly what you said that proves you wrong

There is a channel in England six miles long absolutely flat. They say the Earth curves just under 8 inches per mile

6 miles times 8 inches is 48 inches, when they put a laser at one end of that channel reflecting to a point six miles away at the other end of that channel…

…guess how much that laser curved ?

0 inches


There must be a barrier, obstacle, or change in the line of sight. Correct? And you mentioned lasers, they could be used to detect a vessel at sea from thousands of miles away, given a level sea. Hell, we should be able to detect and monitor ever surface vessel on the sea!

I think you’re talking to me ? I’ve already told you it’s a phenomenon called vanishing point, look it up if you’re interested.

If I have time I’ll pop something in here about it for you but it’s best you investigate for yourself
-good luck

Edit: Re: vanishing point

( @Blountville I couldn’t resist :slight_smile: the real one is below )