Nematode problem

is there anything I can use to wipe out these little bastards

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nematodes are used to kill other pests in soil I think first you would need to know which pest we are dealing with

hi, well the whole plant died, we pulled it out and the roots have little ball like things on them

picture is worth a thousand words when problem solving


Can we get another close-up? …looks like perlite from this picture

Nematodes are very small, so this issue is not a nematode issue.organic_insect_1 (google picture)

it’s not perlite as it is out door

Ah, your post was mis-categorized in the “indoor” section. fixed

I’d still need a close-up to have any opinion on it.

It looks like damping off and trunk rot… :wink:
(Ie) over-watering…
:v: :sunglasses:

just a thought?

Did you read the article above? I suspect this may be the culprit we typically use a different species of nematodes to control pests like thrips knats and many other soil dwelling critters. I think you have the misfortune of running into a different type sorry for the confusion as growers very rare to think of a good thing that can on rarest occasion go bad :wink: I come here to learn more this is definitely a good one.
Since they live in the soil it presents easy fix sterilize soil treating with peroxide or simply using new soil the plants effected however would need to be cloned to move so as not to carry pest over with them.

hi there, it’s the bad ones alright, we know how we got them, it’s trying to get rid of them if possible is what we don’t know, what watered down peroxide would work u think??

  1. Bacterial, Fungus & Infestation Treatment
    If you are treating a sick plant or one that has become infested with pests, increase the amount of H2O2 to one tablespoon per 8 ounces of water.

You can make up either of these nutrient solutions in advance to keep on hand to use quickly and easily. Just be sure to store your mixture in a dark colored container with a tightly fitting lid. Keep it in a well-ventilated, cool, dark place.

Frequency Of Treatment
As a general rule, you should thoroughly drench your healthy plants with a preventative mixture following every rainfall. If dealing with ill or infested plants, a daily drenching for 3-5 days should suffice. Keep a close eye on your plants and let your own best judgment be your guide.

Using hydrogen peroxide for gardening is pretty simple, but getting the mixture right is key. You want to soak your plants, around the roots, and get rid of fungus, spores and built up mold. A general rule of thumb is to mix about one cup of HP solution with 32 cups of water and head out into the garden in the evening. Pour the solution into your pots or flowerbeds and leave it to soak overnight. Make sure you concentrate on the roots of your plant and avoid spraying the solution onto flowers or leaves. You can also use a stronger solution to help seeds. One ounce of it as a solution in two cups of water will give you a great solution for seeds. This helps them stay healthy and grow faster – we’ve explained more below.
Google is your friend but it can help indeed if repeated but keep in mind if you are growing organically it will also kill any microbes bacteria and the good things that help digest organic soil mix