My first pair of Pruning Scissors

I finally got my first pair of scissors. I read online several people disliking the spring loaded scissors. I decided to give a try to these and planning to get a pair with no spring to test the difference. I got them for $12 on Amazon.


@cannabis… I have same pair, they work great… Just used them today to fim 2 plants!


Nice pair of shears. Now do as I do and lose them for 4 months, while you buy another pair…LOL :smiley:


They work great for me đź–’


I purchased 3 different types of shears the ones you pictured above and also another pair similar but made by a differnt company then also a pair that are curved but similar design. I liked the Fiskars the best out of all of them. I’m going to pick up a few more pairs so my pruning helpers can have a descent pair as well. :call_me_hand:

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@Jmesser80 @Ds401 @latewood @Zombo @Zombo I have a stupid question, as long as they are sharp is it that critical as to what kind they are. I use a pair of everyday ordinary pair of scissors that are really sharp and they work fine.

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I think that’s fine, the trimmers make it easier to get into tight areas.


As long as they are sharp and can make a clean cut IMO… And I always clean blades with rubbing alcohol!!, some people use their nails to top and fim which I feel can introduce bacteria easier


@Zombo - I was watching a YouTube video where a guy did it that way. He couldn’t find his shears and was like “I don’t recommend this but since I can’t find my shears…” He then proceeded to FIM using his thumbnail. Afterwards he said this was only for training to show where to make the cut and to always use sharp sterile shears.


As long as they are sharp you should be good for trimming. you can use them for topping and fimming as well you will just want to sterilize them beforehand.


I’m looking forward to test all the different kinds that are out there as well. I have big hands and not sure if this will be my best match.

I’m guessing the main difference is the quality of the cut. With smaller tips you can reach tight spots where normal scissors would make a mess.

Check out the scissors I was using for gardening before I got these: :joy:

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Thank you very much for the alcohol tip! Will definitely keep this in mind.

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@Zombo @GrowManFitz I remember reading in a couple articles about the importance of being able to prune and top using your bare hands (sign of a being a good farmer). Never thought about the bacteria situation but it totally makes sense unless we washed our hands thoroughly before doing it which would defeat the purpose.

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