Legal in MA, Soil in 4x4 Tent, CLW SS550, White Widow - Purple Haze - Bubblegum - Gold Leaf

I’ve been aiming/hoping to do a SCROG for this grow but I’m still not sure if I’ll go for it.
But in case I do, and to make things easier in general in a 4x4 tent that does not have side/back doors(never again, always get a tent with side doors), I started working on a watering system.

Here’s a look at the system overall.

Here’s a look at the delivery system. I drilled small holes at different angles and spacing around the underside of the tubing seen here. so the water flows out evenly around the pot. and I elevated the tubing a bit off the soil surface using the gardening staples that i got for the LST work.

and a detail of the DIY funnel system that I set up.

seems to work well so far.
