May 2017 Bud of the Month Contest

You won B.O.M . Great job my brother super proud of you @Hogmaster so lights , pot sizes , all all the recipes we discuss has proven to work , I’m stoked to hear this news . Well I been in the shadows but been extremely busy on my project and we are half way there , so construction plans has been submitted , we received more federal funding and so far everything is a green light on 20,000 square feet lot , so as we approach next stage it will be more legal litagations but district attorney has excepted our proposal …so hopefully nothing change but lots of prayers is still needed for those in need of hope and medicine .


The prayers are there for you my friend I can promise you that

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Thank you Sir as you know my current situation but man it’s been an all out brawl , but we making progress as of now but anything is subject to change . My 4 patients are doing really well from the oil extracts and cannabis and my sibling cancer as of now is in remission but not out of thed woods just yet as long as she stay consistent with treatment . My fight for what I’m doing has now gain a motto ? " We don’t do it for the income , we only do it for the outcome , Medical Cannabis is Life !"


I hope this is not out of context but I think you’ll find microbe life a great supplement for vegging !


They make a great product :+1:


Right on @Hogmaster!


Nice job @Hogmaster. I’m going to try and give you a run for your money next month.


Reading al the positive comments makes me happy. I love when a contest is a tool to get people closer. Congratulations @Hogmaster your dedication is yielding great fruits :wink: you guys are awesome


Me too :joy::joy::joy: