How far does the smell of smoke travel?

I probably use twice as much in it compared to a bowl. But its a different high. Really no head rush, so the high takes a little longer to come on but seems to last longer. More of a body high then a head high.

But its stealthy. No smoke, no smell. I can hit it in public and no one knows.


Thanks for the heads up I wasn’t sure about that.

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I hope this isnt a stupid question, but I am a newbie to growing, making edibles, vaping, etc. Just what is vaping and how is it done, what do you have to make and what kind of tool, etc, is used? I have recently decided to grown my own because of pain issues and they way the med establishment has jerked me around with pain meds. Tired of getting treated like a drug addict simply for wanting to at least handle my pain. So just wanting to abandon the gov and docs. Decided to go this route. Not legal here, but if forced to, will move to a legal state. I am retired so it is of no consequence to me if I move or not other than being able to legally grow it. I would willingly walk away from everything to be able to have some freedom and be able to control my pain for which I have our wonderful military to thank for. :sparkle:

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This the new one @garrigan62

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Ya Martybear flaged him also
He’s gone now brother



Thanks Will

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He has been banned for good.

Thank you and @M4ur for all your help in this matter



true that, I’ve a couple of mini glass water hitters, hi-maintenance which rolled joints are not, and have a safe place, but for sheer quickness and smoke dispersal, Sneed’s right.