Hermie seeds good or no good

Hi , Over the summer I had 2 White Widow and 2 Super Silver Haze feminized plants that I harvested and cured and found out that they both hermied. The bud was still good but are the seeds any good? Will they be feminized seeds or hermaphrodite? If they are good seeds have they cross pollinated to be a widow haze? I have read a few articles about this but they are not clear on whether they will be good seeds or not. I have enough fem seeds from ILGM but do not want to waste seeds if they are good.

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I would try them! A few people have asked this question recently and theres only one way to find out. Throw them in some H2O. :slight_smile:


If they produced seeds in response to stress they should be all female.

If they were pollinated by a male than anything’s possible ?

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When you say hermi. In essence you are wrong. A hermi has a male node on it some where. It would have released pollen and you would have many seeds. You have seeds do to stress. Most likely over nute stress. Most good strains dont need alot of nutes. Im finding with auto plants hydro nutes work best. For nute stress.

@620smitty ,the plants that produce the bannanas if allowed to pollenate them selves will be more of the same .take the pollen from those and cross it to the same unaffected strain and you will get feminized seeds …


Hi soilgrowth
I didn’t check all the plants as I should have because they were feminized from ILGM. I went away and they were under the lights a couple of weeks longer than they should have been. I got a couple hundred seeds from the 4 plants not just a couple. The smoke was good and they looked great. I only use advanced nutes and use only half of what they say the plants need. I am only into this a few years and learning every day


So those would be stress induced seeds and that would be Jack-Pot Smitty! :thumbsup:


I had an auto that I stressed purposely and got lots of seeds. Good to know :blush:!


So heres the question, how long to wait before you can use the seeds, is there a waiting / drying period @Hammer,@Soilgrowth,@Paranorman


How did you stress the plant to induce seeds?

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Thats the easy part most of the time you can just bend a branch

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Plant any time.

What Is A Hermaphrodite Marijuana Plant

The Marijuana or Cannabis plant can either be a male or a female, however in rare occasions, it may contain both sexes. This is called a hermie or a hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite cannabis plant has two sexes; it contains both the male and the female organs of a cannabis plant.
Male marijuana plants pollinate the flowers the female marijuana plants have. After pollination, the female marijuana plant produces seeds. However if the female marijuana plant was not able to receive pollen from the male marijuana plant, the female continues to grow and begins to develop flowers and buds—sinsemilla meaning ‘without seeds’. This produces THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol., the chemical substance that gives human that ‘high’ feeling.

Male and Female Marijuana Plant

Male marijuana or cannabis plants cover 30 to 50% of the marijuana plant production. Usually the stems have tall height with stout, branching at irregular intervals, and fewer leaves than female cannabis plants. For people to whom their purpose of growing marijuana is breeding, this male plant is pulled out before it sheds its pollen. During harvest time, careful shaking should be observed to prevent accidental pollination. When the male marijuana plant reaches the flowering stage, the grower may notice the development of buds on branch tips. It will look like little balls, and it will be without white hair.

Female marijuana plants will not develop little buds; however, it will have white hair development unlike the male marijuana plant. They are intended mainly for seed production, which is why male marijuana plants are pulled out to prevent its pollen from getting into the female marijuana plant’s flowers. It is differentiated from the male marijuana plant by its characteristic V-shape pistils. Its flowers bloom 3 weeks later than the male cannabis plant.

As mentioned earlier, hermaphrodite cannabis plants are produced in rare occasions. It is usually noticeable after a female marijuana plant is grown—the male marijuana plant starts to pollinate the sinsemillia within the plant and when the pollen sac tries to inbreed the crop. This signals the production or formation of seeds, making the plant use its resources in seed production rather than calyxes and pistils. Calyx is the term for the cannabis plant’s flower.

It is believed that the cause of hermaphrodite cannabis plant v is due to stressors in the environment of cultivation. A dark environment is essential in triggering hormone production that is important for beginning the flowering stage of the cannabis plant. If even the slightest light leaks, it alters the normal process of the plant’s growth.

Hermaphrodites are generally not favored by growers because once it releases pollen, it will destroy a sinsemillia crop and will self-pollinate. Sinsemilla crops are very potent plants—the best kind of marijuana according to reviews of growers and users. It will also pollinate any other female crop in the room. Another disadvantage would be the seeds’ worthlessness—it has the tendency to produce hermaphrodite plants as well.



So by stressing a feminized plant , would you get fem .seeds ?


no if their mature Plant them . 3-4 days vola .
Hammer .


Yes that is how to get feminized seeds . their are varying ways to induce stress to achieve this goal . But understand feminized is not the same thing as a natural female seed. Hammer .


Thanks hammer!!!

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No Problem . cAREG…
.Ps what a diff cap’s make . in a Name …:wink::wink:


Thanks @Careg,@Hammer, this just got a little more interesting!!


So if you super crop your plant it is stressing them does that mean that you could be turning your females into hermies ?