First Attempt, Looooong grow. Bonsai plants? Deplorables Kush ;)

So looking through the microscope I got a good view but not a good pic. On the flowers (not leaves) I have about 50% milky and 10% amber. What now?

What is cool about this zoom, is that while you can’t see clear/cloudy, the amber ones have a different reflection, and you can see where I got my 10% estimate. Like little pink Christmas lights.


I would at least let them go till mostly cloudy, no more. 25% amber
Let the clear turn cloudy atleast

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If your definition of “few” equals 2 lol

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All of this is a learning process to me, I’m gonna be super paranoid when it comes time to harvesting mine… checking them every 5 minutes! Then it’ll be like OMG ITS TIME… I know exactly how you feel @Whodat66


Which is why I am on a forum reporting what I see and asking.


So I am seeing about 50% red or so, which coincides with the % of amber, cloudy, etc. yada yada yada.

Does anyone get that there is so much contradicting info that people who have read extensively still ask? Look at the growing guide, and at the harvesting guide. It is very non-specific as to calendars, but then everyone stresses do “X” in this timeframe - or not - but it is very important! - or not - "If you don’t do this you’ll never get high off your flowers - or not :slight_smile:

You see where I’m going with this right?


@Whodat66 I know exactly what you are saying. Which is why I’ll be asking everyone on here “when it’s time”. I agree there’s a lot of conflicting information, and a lot of non-descriptive information. I’ll be sure to tag you when it gets close to harvest time… :smiley:

Well, you can be the first to know!

Since I am experimenting anyway (and documenting everything) I am going to begin harvesting/pruning today in honor of the eclipse. Might be a fine portent, worthy of Nostradamus :wink: I’ve been dicking around with these for over 6 months and am ready to start a real grow. I am going to label and document each one, like “1 of 4” for the first plant, with pics, record humidity, pics of the trichomes, etc. I am starting week 7 of flower, but it has been an odd/long grow. I will also keep playing with re-veging these as I go. I am only pruning the top 2-3 knuckles on each cola, and plan to do one each day or every other day. I’m leaning towards every other day to see if the stress from pruning one boosts the ones that are left.

So, pictured are the 10 Cola, and by the time 1-4 are gone at 2-day intervals, buds 5-10 may go daily based on them being in week 8-9


First to go will be the largest on the 4-cola plant, because it has a “manganese-deficiency-brown-spot” on one sugar leaf that is ugly :wink: Also because it is shading another flower.

hope this helps :slight_smile: - YouTube

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So this weighed 2.5g. the other 3 on this plant are similar size.

Looked through microscope, and most of the trichomes are milky and about 10% amber.

I can also see that the ones at the base of the red-haired nodes are riper than those of the hairs that are still white.
A simple observation, but if it holds true might be the reason behind watching the % of red hairs. This might be a “No shit” observation to experts, but if you liken it to a tomato ripening, even green tomatoes are edible, but only for specific preparations, and most don’t bother. The riper you let it get, the tastier it will be - to a point, but if left too long it’s obviously past its prime.


Woohoo, harvest day. Love the pics, I’ll be here in about 2 more months. Some will be ready before others, because I planted so many strains. Kind helpful that way. No need to panic all at once!


Actually harvest week(s). One plant is right on schedule to harvest in 2 weeks. the first will be every 2 days I think.


I set Ivanka outside for the eclipse - good juju


Awesome pics @Whodat66 !! Keep it up!

@Covertgrower Same here man. I don’t think I ever learned as much about anything as I have in the last 3-4 months about cannabis haha


Boy ain’t that the truth :blush:

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Ivanka! Love it!


@bluntley420 @Whodat66 I’m just fortunate enough to be able to share this in a proper outlet of the passion of growing with others, in addition to learning many things along the way.


So, welcome to week 7 of flowering. Not cutting today but watching to see if there is a noticeable difference in the remaining 3 by tomorrow morning. Seeing 10-20% amber on the shorter of the 3, 10% on the rest. Like 40-60% on the hairs?

Melania is going great, looking at about 20% red, and each cola is maturing at the same rate. I pruned nothing on her.