Dehumidifier faint light

My dehumidifier creates a faint light. I have it in the flower room. I have situated it behind a couple cardboard deflectors and taped over the display so the air moves through just not the light. Does anyone know where the light is coming from? Keeping the humidity down to 35/40 %. Lower if I can. Maybe 25%. To avoid mold and produce more resin secretion.

Its likely coming from inside the unit


I’ve got the same thing, never really worried as it’s such a faint light… should I be?

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I would cover it

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I got a power surg strip, that has the light on the switch. . . It’s ok for autos, but when I do photos I’m going to replace it or tape it… cause it can hermi your plants making them grow seeds. . .


Guess I’m cover that shit up

I’ve been hearing,“Complete darkness” so that is what I am doing. Even though it’s different in nature, growing indoors is different.

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What about the moonlight when you grow outside?
What about the humidity when you grow outside?
I’m new to indoor growing but it seems that you’re trying to mimic nature in a man made environment.
To control mold fresh air in stale out with lots of movement is more important than Death Valley humidity levels.
My dehumidifier is in my basement same as my grow room. I keep the humidity around 50% year round and I have no mold or mildew at all.


I hear they grow really good weed in Death Valley. “Several specific places have been found, and some were cleaned up only to have the operators return. This means growing conditions were so good that they were willing to risk being caught again. In Death Valley.”
Marijuana Cultivation in Death Valley National Park
What If…
If you find signs of cultivation:

  1. Get out immediately!
    Do not linger to take photos or coordinates.
  2. Go back the way you came.
    You’ve already established that the route is safe.
  3. Make as little noise as possible.
    If the garden is occupied, they may not be aware of you.
  4. Get to a safe location.
    Run, walk, crawl or hide… just make yourself safe.
  5. Notify FICC Dispatch (numbers below).
  6. Be prepared to provide your exact location. Coordinates are great but a physical description will do.
  7. Get to your vehicle if possible If you can, drive away.
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If you have ANY LED lights on your controls like humidifier, timer, pretty much anything and you don’t tape it up to block the light chances are in the dark, they will shine on a specific leaf and turn it to a hermaphrodite only because those few photons are concentrating on the leaf in the dark and transpiring the abnormal light to the rest of the plant or even to a single branch which will Herme because it does not have total darkness. ALWAYS TAPE OVER THE THE LED READ OUT!

Thanks cause my flowering plant just got to 55% and I was nervous.
Internal fans and intake outtake fans so I guess I am ok?

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I’m with @hillbilly103, it doesn’t seem likely that a dim led or whatever would have any affect.

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I taped over the power control led and got rid of most of the light, however the unit is circular and just inside the rim there is a faint blue reflection (I guess) around the inside of the rim. Do you think that would be a problem during dark period flowering? You seem to be pretty knowledgeable from your post. I’m first time tent grower 2x2x5 tent,LED lights, growing Space Berry strain. Never heard of that strain,seed was a gift. Healthy fast growing plant, Oct 1 start date and starting 12/12 for flowering today. Didn’t think humidity would be a problem due to lower humidity in the cooler months, however now rethinking my position. Any thoughts?