Congress quietly ends federal government's ban on medical marijuana

@Oak, gotta love your passion but… that F- bomb is gonna get a flag!

sorry about that man. It was not my intent to offend… I have no filters and swear profusely…I usually catch it when writing but occasionally something slips through

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@pigSquishy Agree with the wall analogy. I heard a couple of months ago that retirees are moving to Colorado in very large numbers lol. The government will eventually catch up to the will of the people.

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I wished that I could agree with you on the point the Government will catch up to the people; look at the facts in everything all around us. The medical establishment can raise the price of life saving drugs 1,000’s of %, the Federal Gov doesn’t want to get involved and the medical establishments come right out and admit its about making profit and not healing the sick. Which is more profitable, treating and curing an issue or treating it… Why make a one time fee, when you can milk the fees tens of thousands of times over the course of just one year? Who makes the law’s in our Country? Perhaps you need to look into this for yourself, but it is not the Federal Government… It is the Corporations, businesses and those in the 1% with all the money in the world. Don’t believe me, look it up… check your facts on this I have.

Then while we are on this topic, lets discuss Nestle who just publicly stated “Water is not a human right” and owning all these water rights are stealing America’s clean water and shipping it to China since they have ruined all of theirs because they have nothing like the EPA and so companies and people dump anything and everything in their waters there. I’m sorry where is this outrage… haven’t heard one peep on it from the masses. Dakota Access Pipe Line in North Dakota is trying to put in an oil pipeline that will at some point leak and affect the permanent drinking water of over 81-million people, and yet the news keeps claiming lies about the protesters and each and every time the Federal Gov and Big Oil is being backed up in one sided news articles, despite YouTube Videos proving the protestors are non-violent and trying to stop construction on sacred Native American lands, such as burial grounds granted to them in the treaties… All happening right now, today with others like me helping to support the protestors.

The Black Hills, Black Hills Gold, South Dakota, yep that is sacred land to them also given to them in the treaties, in the 1980’s the Supreme Court ruled "Yes it is there land, and no white man has any rights to be there; however since it was found to have gold after the treaties were signed, they can have the land back just as soon as the US Gov gets all the gold out of it. New Town North Dakota, US Gov side drills for oil when the Natives say “No, it is on Reservation land” when the oil spilled over the ground do to a leak and flowed onto Native land, that was their problem. The oil they are stealing under the Reservation, that belongs to the US… we gave them the land and top 6-inches of soil there nothing more is how the Courts ruled it!

How does all this apply to the legalization of Cannabis? Did you know our prisons are now privately run institutions in which need to stay filled to keep the money flowing. Last I knew 1 out of every 15 Americans are in prison, we have the highest prison rates in the world, we also have some of the harshest sentences in the world, because it is profitable to people. People spend years longer in prison for cannabis, NOT rape… NOT murder… and you really think for one minute with all this BIG $$$ flowing around to be made off from cannabis being illegal that they will legalize it and change the laws because the majority want it changed… You are looking at it on a State level, where small Groups pressure smaller people to pass laws for their States, the Federal Government doesn’t care… look at the Civil War, the States disagreed and even tried to go their own ways in how they saw slavery… What happened?

Today we need to honestly look where all this is really going… Big $$$ has stated “We do not have the right to clean water”; the Dakota Access Pipeline & the Keystone Pipeline (which was voted to be stopped in South Dakota and not go through, which not 2-weeks later they started construction on doing anyways) threatens to destroy our waterways with oil spills like the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, etc… Life & Death is now a matter of profits and money… not your health or life… and you honestly think for one minute Big Pharma is going to let you get your hands on something that can stop and cure issues you pay for every month and cost them trillions plus in profits moving forward for many long years to come?

Just saying, when you really stop and look at the facts and look beyond just more than one issue you will see the chances of cannabis really becoming legal now or ever; at least until we the people as a larger group join together and fight for change by making phone calls to those in Office and demanding change, until we the people join hands and make a wall and say STOP! WE DEMAND CHANGE. But for now we are being divided by the color of our skin, by our race, country of origin, religion, by the sex you are or identity as, everyday we are looking to call out the one who is different… how can we truthfully expect change when we as a society are so bent on separation and division of the people we stand next to?


@MacGyverStoner I’m new to the group and just found this thread but thanks for posting it . I have read through the whole thing and Bwahahaha some people get kinda nasty about their beliefs don’t they ? I wonder if they were out of weed at the time I try to stay away from both religion and politics at all cost but your post near the end of the thread was spot friggen on brother . As a new member it is hard to weed through ( pun intended ) who to listen to and what advice to take when some opinions differ so much . You Hammer and a couple others seem to be the most complete explanation of questions people ask and I have been trying to figure out the best to listen to for a couple weeks . If it is not against protocol to ask this if you had a question are there a couple of people you would ask to get correct info ?


Latewood and I are the lead grow counselors here. And we have Hammer as a new counselor that apparently has a lot of experience growing weed in the real world, as well as Garrigan and MajikToker. These are our “official helpers” that Latewood and I have chosen due to their outstanding help with other members in the community. And of course, you can always @ to any of our screen names and we’ll be alerted and Latewood or I can also get back to you when we have a chance.

Happy fighting for legalization!



Actually Trump is the least Pro marijuana out of any candidate running:



Well it seems they both said that it should be a state issue

(I did see Trump’s full interview with O’Reilly on this topic I would suggest the context is not complete in the statement at the link)

… the difference imo is tho they both said pretty much the same thing, but Clinton, when her husband was in office for eight long years did nothing towards legalization

And again, Clinton with Obama did nothing over 8 more years, that’s 16 years of nothing from Hillary

Does anybody really think she’s going to change now?

…all talk no action, typical career politician

Well for one, it is a common misunderstanding that the President is all that powerful. It is the reason for the division of powers with the house of representatives and the senate.

The fact is, that the democratic platform does include working towards legalization, and the republican platform has no such provisions. That, in plain English means the official position of Pence and Trump is a big NO to any legalization.

And Hillary will have to work with Bernie, and the rest of the congress to follow the democratic platform and get things moving forward.

And actually, the Obama administration has basically supported movements towards legalization:


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I don’t believe that’s a fair assessment of what Trump has actually said on this topic

I believe in going by what people say (and do), or by lack of what they’ve done

And I also haven’t noticed Trump too concerned with what the rank-and-file Republicans say

Well here are the actions, plain and simple. The Democratic party is and has made many moves towards legalization and the Republican party has done exactly the opposite and fought it tooth and nail every step of the way.

Trump will have to work with congress and Trump has basically said he’s gonna let Pence do all the real work.

And thank God that our system of government is set up this way, because there should be absolutely no way Trump should be able to do what ever he wants, he is way too impulsive and ignorant of the facts and specifics of world politics. Otherwise we’d have another Napoleon, or worse, another Hitler on our hands.


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Certainly no one would disagree with that however I’m talking specifically of the current candidates

Perhaps I’m just one of the “basket of deplorable” who don’t seem to embrace Miss Clinton’s (in my opinion) askewed values and morals

Miss Clinton is going to find out that there’s something called a silent majority in this country who also does not embrace many of her values and morals (although I don’t really believe she has any of either that are not party dictated) and I strongly suspect she’s going to get a resounding surprise come November

Just my opinion


I’m not mincing words here, I am directly comparing Trump’s behavior and attitudes to that of Napoleon, Mussolini, Hitler, and other tyrants that Trump himself keeps saying he admires and seems to put up on a pedestal.



to change the laws federally, or state by state, is a massive undertaking our leaders won’t take on, at the moment.
my state officials would like to watch the states that have legalized, for a few years (or longer), to watch for problems.

to let people out of jail for possession…re-evaluate any other crimes committed while possessing, closing prisons, laying off prison personnel, employing the newly released, newly unemployed, setting up state/national laws and taxes, committees to study the subject, any subject, setting fees for growing and selling, hiring government people (former guards and smokers?) just as it’s starting to shrink to process the soon to be released…

I’m sure there’s more. It’s too complicated for our politicians. Most would like to see the prisons cleared by attrition, let the convicted finish their terms in a staggered way rather than a mass release.

all of Obama’s recommendations, and that’s all they are, can be changed with the next president.

it’s scary, popular vote says legalize marijuana, popular vote may put Trump in office.

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Yes I understand that and I’m on the other side of the fence so I guess our votes are going to cancel each other, I hate when that happens :wink:

I suspect most don’t even know what Trump has actually said regarding legalization of medical marijuana because you’re not going to hear it through the mainstream media who is usually in the bag for any Democratic candidate

I’ve heard it, and so much more. Even if Trump was adamantly for marijuana legalization, it is all the other things he’s said and done that would still make me feel he would be a horrible president.


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A lot of this isn’t that far off, somewhat accurate, and it illustrates my point, the best and fastest way forward for marijuana legalization – is to get the party that has it in their platform agenda – voted into a majority in both houses of congress, and a Democratic President that will work in cooperation with the house and senate.


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no. the BEST way to get it legalized would be to combine a democratic congress with a president from the only party whose main party platform is “freedom”… the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson.

Plain and simple… wall street and big pharma OWN Killary Klinton… own,…hands down…and she will not promote anything that is going to cost them profits.
when you take possession of the highest authority in the land party platforms mean squat… she represents “Business as usual” which means everyone in DC continues to get paid off as long as they toe the line… this is why she has so much support from both sides,…and why Trump does not even have half of his own party.
and all the fear mongering is just propaganda… even if trump was carrying the nuclear football like a lunch pale…it takes two keys to activate…so he cant do it on his own.


I use to be a political junkie for over two decades and I can tell you this, Pig Squishy hit the hammer(no pun Hammer) rate on the nail. It does not matter Rep/Dem. You need to follow the money. Those who get large contributions from big Pharma are never I repeat NEVER going to change the laws. State by State is going to be the best way I believe to achieve what I believe we all want. I watched this very interesting documentary on net-flex about this very subject called “Culture High”, and it hits on a lot of what Pig Squishy talked about and why I say follow the money and not the party label.