Cluster headache and cannabis. Try it or not !? Does it work or not !?

@Covertgrower I’m not equip to make rosin (wax), it’s also in my bucket list to have a dab press :wink: And I don’t know if you can eat rosin ? Maybe, @Countryboyjvd1971 @Hogmaster or other members have try it and give you some insight ! ? I am curious to know too :wink::innocent:

I am not interested in product that use volatils in the processus of making them. Even self made product…, to dangerous to make or to consume or eat up, imo, :hushed::skull::boom::fire::wink:

If temperature of the vaping delivery system is set accordingly to the CBD vaporizing point, it’s enough, for me at least.

I do canna-butter and canna-oil to make edibles, but, for now, only have done very tiny small batch with the Tweed strains since I cannot afford it. I am on disability since 5 years, so money is a big obstacle for my project and needs.

However, I did transform half of my Chocolope and AK-47 harvest into canna-butter and canna-oil. And use them in all kind of recipe I can imagine… More or less depend on my needs.

@Willd have gave us tips and a great way to make canna-capsules , I did not have try it yet, but intend to try it sooner than later, here’s the link to his topic, it’s very easy to follow. :wink::grinning:

Or @kabongster one, very easy to follow too