Anyone ever use llama manure for fertilizer?

I live near, and work on a llama farm. So I have access to all the manure I want. Mixed with old hay and urine, this makes a very potent tea for the vegetation stage of my plant. But I’m worried that it may be too hot to use when she starts flowering. Especially if I need to add phosphorus or potassium. Anyone got a suggestion?

I would spring for something better like bat or fossilized seabird guano.

Sounds like it’s more of a soil conditioner, could help if soil poor.

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Yep, real bad soil. Red clay and hard as concrete. Wish I had a better option, but gotta make do.

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I would think llama poop would be ok, and you have an unlimited supply… Up to your elbows so to speak! Lol! @smokin1_nwv … I don’t know what chemical composition is but poop is poop, right?


It would need to be composted. @smokin1_nwv

It would be way too “HOT” otherwise.


I’m diluting it in a barrel of rainwater and using it as a sort of “tea” when I water it. Still too hot?

Like your attitude bro, thanks!

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not sure on that one I’m not even sure who to tag… llama poop tea oh yeah… @garrigan62

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I know it sounds weird, but when I was a kid the old timers did the same thing for their vegetable gardens only with cow manure and it worked.

many places in the world they do the same. I’m just not sure how it will work on MJ. It can be a little funny sometimes. Are you growing in pots or in the ground?

In pots, so I can get drainage if I need it.

I’m not sure it would make any difference as it relates to your question, but how big are the pots? What kind of pots?

As a farmer that has llamas, the beauty of llama pellets is that they don’t need to be composted, unlike most other manures llama pellets can be added to the soil or even used as a top dressing the same day they are expelled, they are not “HOT” and won’t burn. They do take forever to break down if used as a soil top dressing or if mixed into the soil, so they are a long term slow release fert if used like that. If you want a faster release the most common thing to do is make a tea and use that. I do a combo of all three when I grow anything in a pot/bag, I will mix some pellets into the soil and I will top the soil with a layer of pellets, doing this they get a small fert boost with every watering as the water passes the top layer of pellets, and I can do a weekly or whatever boost with the tea that is just a half and half mix of pellets and water allowed to brew in the sun for a day, very low odor. Again llama pellets are not to hot to apply directly, they don’t need composting, although composting can tweak the fert profile and add additional nutrients.